Scarlet G
Naughty, willful, childish disobedience, is usually a luxury. One in which I didn’t often participate. My family was too complicated to...
Freedom to Feel Differently
My latest column for the River Reporter.
Let Them Eat Cake
School trip to France. Hooray! I took French for just that reason. Surely speaking French meant someday going where French was spoken. I...
My First Election
When I was 9-years old I volunteered for McGovern’s presidential campaign, without mentioning it to my parents. Nothing major – just...
Misty Watercolor Headlights
You’re walking down the street. An overheard turn of phrase. The color of someone’s hair. A breeze. Something snatches you from the...
The Ghosts of Thanksgiving Past
Evenings get chillier. Days get shorter. Thanksgiving arrives, which is always a special holiday at our house. This is the happiest one I...