Scarlet G
Naughty, willful, childish disobedience, is usually a luxury. One in which I didn’t often participate. My family was too complicated to...

Freedom to Feel Differently
My latest column for the River Reporter.

Let Them Eat Cake
School trip to France. Hooray! I took French for just that reason. Surely speaking French meant someday going where French was spoken. I...

My First Election
When I was 9-years old I volunteered for McGovern’s presidential campaign, without mentioning it to my parents. Nothing major – just...

Misty Watercolor Headlights
You’re walking down the street. An overheard turn of phrase. The color of someone’s hair. A breeze. Something snatches you from the...

The Ghosts of Thanksgiving Past
Evenings get chillier. Days get shorter. Thanksgiving arrives, which is always a special holiday at our house. This is the happiest one I...

Bring the Bottle
Image by Phyllis Chekenian, inspired by this story. Commissioned in Collaboration with Yarnslingers & the WCAA. The air is brisk. Soon it...

Mr. Cadillac
My sister Emily often says, “You want everyone to be happy.” She isn’t wrong. That’s my nature; but I’m realistic. It’s impossible for...

Accentuate the Positive
I am preparing for a trip to Greece, trying to hold onto the why of going. Staring at our dogs like I’ll never see them again. Creating a...

Imitation of Life
Lying usually implies the liar isn’t prepared to face the truth – or is rationalizing that the world isn’t ready for their honesty....